The Instytut Studiów Podatkowych Publishing House

- since 1996

Standards of Ethics

Publication ethics of the ISP Publishing House

The ISP Publishing House applies the principles of publication ethics aiming at counteracting unfair publishing practices, in particular in line with the guidelines of the COPE – Committee on Publication Ethics. 1. 1. The Publishing House’s Council shall decide whether the submission is to be included in the publishing schedule, taking into account the Publisher’s profile, subject-matter, originality, and usefulness to the readers (scholars and law practitioners).  2. The Publishing House applies all the measures available in order to prevent plagiarism and publication of false data. All the studies earmarked for publication are checked by a counter-plagiarism system. 3. The Publishing House counteracts Ghostwriting (omitting among the names of the authors those who have actually authored/contributed to the publication) and Guest authorship (przypisanie autorstwa osobom, które nie uczestniczyły w tworzeniu dzieła). 2. Wydawnictwo zobowiązuje się do poszanowania autorskich praw osobistych autorów, a w szczególności respektowania prawa do autorstwa oraz decydowania o sposobie oznaczenia autorstwa, dbania o renomę oraz dobrą sławę autorów oraz utworu. 3. Wydawnictwo zapewnia rzetelny i profesjonalny proces wydawniczy, w tym proces redakcyjny. 4. Wydawnictwo publikuje recenzowane monografie naukowe wnoszące istotny wkład w rozwój nauki. Ponadto prowadzi politykę wydawniczą przyczyniającą się do upowszechniania monografii naukowych w skali międzynarodowej. 5. Recenzja wydawnicza utworu jest wewnętrznym dokumentem Wydawnictwa. 6. Wydawnictwo stosuje jednolite standardy kwalifikowania monografii naukowych do publikacji, niezależnie od wniesienia opłaty za publikację monografii naukowej i wysokości tej opłaty. 7. Wydawnictwo zapewnia poufność i bezpieczeństwo przetwarzania danych osobowych.

Publication ethics of the ISP Publishing House

The ISP Publishing House applies the principles of publication ethics aiming at counteracting unfair publishing practices, in particular in line with the guidelines of the COPE – Committee on Publication Ethics.

1. 1. The Publishing House’s Council shall decide whether the submission is to be included in the publishing schedule, taking into account the Publisher’s profile, subject-matter, originality, and usefulness to the readers (scholars and law practitioners). 

2. The Publishing House applies all the measures available in order to prevent plagiarism and publication of false data. All the studies earmarked for publication are checked by a counter-plagiarism system.

3. The Publishing House counteracts Ghostwriting (omitting among the names of the authors those who have actually authored/contributed to the publication) and Guest authorship (ascribing the authorship to those who have not participated in the making of the work submitted).

4. The Publishing House undertakes to respect the personal copyright of the authors, particularly the right to authorship, and to decide about the way in which authorship is to be indicated; also, to care about the renown and good fame of the authors and their works.

5. The Publishing House ensures reliable and professional publishing process, including its editorial aspect.

6. The Publishing House publishes reviewed scientific monographs that can make essential contribution to the development of science and research. Its publishing policy is meant to contribute to disseminate such monographs internationally.

7. The editorial review is the Publishing House’s internal document.

8. The Publishing House applies unified standards in accepting research monographs for publication, regardless of the payment of the fee for publication of such a monograph and the amount of such fee.

9. The Publishing House ensures confidentiality and safety of processing the personal data.

Ethical principles binding for the authors

1. The author is obligated to provide the Publishing House with an original work which must not be a piece of plagiarism or self-plagiarism (i.e. a book published, in whole or in part, by any other publisher).

2. The authorship should be limited to those who have significantly contributed to the preparation of the study concerned.

3. The author reassures that the copyright to the work granted to the Publishing House at the date the latter has accepted the work shall not be restricted by any rights of third parties whatsoever. The use and disposing of the work by the Publishing House must not infringe any third-party personal and other rights whatsoever.

4. The texts provided by the authors are to be published based upon author-publisher contracts which regulate all the relevant copyright-related matters.

5. For collective (multi-author) works, the author submitting the work for publication shall be obligated to determine the actual authorship of all the individual fragments of the work.

A detailed description of the reviewing process is posted on the Publishing House’s website: [read here]

Ethical principles binding for the authors

1. The author is obligated to provide the Publishing House with an original work which must not be a piece of plagiarism or self-plagiarism (i.e. a book published, in whole or in part, by any other publisher).

2. The authorship should be limited to those who have significantly contributed to the preparation of the study concerned.

3. The author reassures that the copyright to the work granted to the Publishing House at the date the latter has accepted the work shall not be restricted by any rights of third parties whatsoever. The use and disposing of the work by the Publishing House must not infringe any third-party personal and other rights whatsoever.

4. The texts provided by the authors are to be published based upon author-publisher contracts which regulate all the relevant copyright-related matters.

5. For collective (multi-author) works, the author submitting the work for publication shall be obligated to determine the actual authorship of all the individual fragments of the work.

A detailed description of the reviewing process is posted on the Publishing House’s website: [read here]

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