The Instytut Studiów Podatkowych Publishing House

- since 1996

For the Reviewers

Qualification of monograph manuscripts and review procedure

Works submitted for publication by our Publishing House are verified, in the first place, for their compliance with the Publisher’s formal requirements. The manuscripts that fail to meet the requirements will be rejected. If compliant with the formal requirements, the publication is forwarded to the Publishing House’s Council so that it may express an opinion in respect of thematic compliance with our editorial and publishing schedule. The initial acceptance is followed by appointing a reviewer to give an opinion. The review’s purpose is to evaluate the material, submit remarks to the author, and provide the Publisher with a recommendation as to the publication of the study concerned. The opinion is issued based on the document ‘Submission of Work for Publication’ [specimen] and the manuscript provided. The conclusions are supplied to the Publisher in the form of ‘Review questionnaire’ [specimen].


Identification of the author should be limited to those who have contributed to the work in question. Ghostwriting i guest autorship being acts of scholarly dishonesty and unreliability, shall be regarded as infringement of the rules of ethics. Ghostwriting is the case when somebody has remarkably contributed to the publication but his/her name is not mentioned as the author or in the acknowledgment note Guest authorship („honorary authorship”occurs when somebody’s contribution is of low significance or none at all but his/her name is mentioned as the (co)author. The author is obligated to reveal the sources of funding of his/her study, the contribution of research institutions, associations and other entities, as well as all the relevant conflicts of interests that might have impacted its results or interpretation. Articles submitted to the Publishing House can only be original works, ones that do not breach third-party copyright and have never been published or submitted to any other publisher before. In the event that after the submission the author discovers an error or inaccuracy in the text submitted, s/he shall be obligated to instantly notify the Publisher. The author shall only submit an original work to the Publisher, and s/he ought to make it certain that the names of the authors quoted in the study and/or the quoted fragments of other works (incl. photographs, drawings) have been correctly quoted, mentioned or enumerated. In the event of infringement or breach of the copyright of any other person, the Publisher shall notify the institution whereto the author(s) is (are) affiliated of the suspicion of committing a crime or unethical conduct.


The reviewer shall be an independent reviewer––i.e. not associated or related with the author, affiliated with a different research unit, and not acting as a reviewer in the author’s doctoral or habilitation (associate professor qualification) procedure. The reviewer shall be selected based on thematic compliance. The minimum degree qualification is doktor habilitowany (postdoctoral degree). Prior to taking his assignment, the reviewer shall submit a declaration concerning:  

1. No direct personal relationship with the author (kinship, conflict, legal relations);

2. No direct research collaboration or cooperation;

3. No chain-of-command subordination or reporting line.

A specimen of the document is downloadable here [specimen]The Publisher shall spare no effort so that the submitted work be reviewed within no longer than three (3) months; this timeline might be subject to change in certain circumstances (such as availability of the reviewer), though. Requests for review are made to the reviewers by electronic mail. The reviewer receives the manuscript for review only after s/he has committed to perform the task. At an earlier stage, the reviewer is only informed on the area and thematic scope of the work submitted, as per the application form. The review shall be made in writing and has to indicate the reviewer’s recommendation regarding acceptance of the study for publication or its rejection. The reviewer’s opinion is to be prepared based on the review questionnaire [specimen]The reviewer is obliged to verify the substantive quality, originality of the arguments/statements proposed and justifiability of the research undertaken, methodology applied, correctness of the conclusions formulated and method of their presentation. The review ought to be fair, objective, reliable, constructive, conformant to the current knowledge, and prepared in a timely fashion. The reviewer is obligated to reveal any instance of plagiarism or suspicion of plagiarism, irrelevant (duplicated) publication, and any slip in quoting the data s/he might have detected.

Conditional acceptance for publication

After the review is completed, the author shall receive the review to get acquainted with it, give his/her judgment in writing, and prepare a corrected version of his/her study. All contact between the author and the reviewer should be via the ISP Publishing House, until the study is published.

Once the reviewer’s opinion is received, the Publishing House’s Council shall decide as to the method and date of publication as well as the circulation of the printed version, method of dissemination, and submission to the relevant scientific resource databases. The Publisher’s decision regarding the publication shall be communicated to the author(s) by email. In case the decision to publish has been made, a publication contract shall be entered into, as the next step. Once the qualification and reviewing procedure is completed, the study is subjected to editorial processing.

The ISP Publishing House reserves the right not to accept and refuse the publication of the study submitted.