The Instytut Studiów Podatkowych Publishing House

- since 1996

For the Authors

Prospective authors seeking to publish by our Publishing House
are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the documents below.

Submission procedure and editorial requirements

You are kindly requested to fill out the application form [specimen] and return it, together with your manuscript, by mail to the address:

Submission procedure and editorial requirements

You are kindly requested to fill out the application form [specimen] and return it, together with your manuscript, by mail to the address:

Manuscript requirements

Please prepare your document in text-file format or in the *rtf or *doc/*docx format. Use 12-point Times New Roman font, line spacing 1.5. Publications by several authors must contain a standardised format of titles, notes, bibliography/reference literature, quotations. Artwork (pictures/figures) for print must of good quality, in unified format and with unified descriptions. Each illustration should be provided in a separate named file (all the files to be gathered in one folder). Photographs to be provided in *tif-format files with resolution of 300 dpi minimum, with the dimensions required for reproduction, or in good-quality original copies enabling them to be scanned (good-quality *pdf or *jpg files are allowed). Diagrams or charts to be provided in Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw lub Microsoft Excel. Drawings in *cdr, *ai or well-contrasted, good-quality original copies to be reproduced. Bibliographical descriptions need to be given in a unified form, the chosen description standard to be consistently applied. The suggested pattern is: 

1. Surname(s) of the author(s) and initial letters of their first names. Where the number of authors is three maximum, all the names should be given; if more than three, three names need to be given and the phrase ‘et al.’ added;

2. The title of the study to be quoted in full, in italics;

3. If the study is part of a multi-author book, use ‘in’ and quote the title of the book (italicised), and subsequently the surname and initials of the editor(s), with the acronym ‘(ed[s].) added afterwards;

4. Place of publication;

5. Publishing house/publisher (optionally);

6. Year of publication;

7. The first and the last page.

The alphabetic format, by name of author, is the most convenient one:

Grzegorzewska S., System oświatowy Niemiec, Wydawnictwo Kaczmarczyk i sp., Kielce 2001, s. 49–88.

Kowalska C.D., Miklaszewska B., Nowacka T. i in., System szkolnictwa we Włoszech [w:]

Systemy oświatowe w krajach europejskich, red. K. Polanecki, Wydawnictwo

Oświatowe, Wrocław 2019, s. 12–59.

Exemplary bibliographic entry: [file]

All the fragments of texts, illustrations, pictures or figures, schemes or diagrams, tables, etc., taken from other works are protected by copyright. Inclusion in the book of any material protected under copyright is possible provided that the author has prior thereto supplied a written consent from the copyright owner. For texts/fragments already published, consent from their Publisher is necessary, in the determined formula, and an appropriate note should be attached to the text.

The ISP Publishing House reserves the right not to accept and refuse the publication of the study submitted. 

Manuscript requirements

Please prepare your document in text-file format or in the *rtf or *doc/*docx format. Use 12-point Times New Roman font, line spacing 1.5. Publications by several authors must contain a standardised format of titles, notes, bibliography/reference literature, quotations. Artwork (pictures/figures) for print must of good quality, in unified format and with unified descriptions. Each illustration should be provided in a separate named file (all the files to be gathered in one folder). Photographs to be provided in *tif-format files with resolution of 300 dpi minimum, with the dimensions required for reproduction, or in good-quality original copies enabling them to be scanned (good-quality *pdf or *jpg files are allowed). Diagrams or charts to be provided in Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw lub Microsoft Excel. Drawings in *cdr, *ai or well-contrasted, good-quality original copies to be reproduced. Bibliographical descriptions need to be given in a unified form, the chosen description standard to be consistently applied. The suggested pattern is: 

1. Surname(s) of the author(s) and initial letters of their first names. Where the number of authors is three maximum, all the names should be given; if more than three, three names need to be given and the phrase ‘et al.’ added;

2. The title of the study to be quoted in full, in italics;

3. If the study is part of a multi-author book, use ‘in’ and quote the title of the book (italicised), and subsequently the surname and initials of the editor(s), with the acronym ‘(ed[s].) added afterwards;

4. Place of publication;

5. Publishing house/publisher (optionally);

6. Year of publication;

7. The first and the last page.

The alphabetic format, by name of author, is the most convenient one:

Grzegorzewska S., System oświatowy Niemiec, Wydawnictwo Kaczmarczyk i sp., Kielce 2001, s. 49–88.

Kowalska C.D., Miklaszewska B., Nowacka T. i in., System szkolnictwa we Włoszech [w:]

Systemy oświatowe w krajach europejskich, red. K. Polanecki, Wydawnictwo

Oświatowe, Wrocław 2019, s. 12–59.

Exemplary bibliographic entry: [file]

All the fragments of texts, illustrations, pictures or figures, schemes or diagrams, tables, etc., taken from other works are protected by copyright. Inclusion in the book of any material protected under copyright is possible provided that the author has prior thereto supplied a written consent from the copyright owner. For texts/fragments already published, consent from their Publisher is necessary, in the determined formula, and an appropriate note should be attached to the text.

The ISP Publishing House reserves the right not to accept and refuse the publication of the study submitted.